Leading For Positive Change
Our focus in this issue includes social innovation, cultural change, and transformation by design, and we have a healthy assortment of articles to illustrate a range of the great work that’s being done in these areas. Highlighting just a sampling of these... Alison Rand leads off by challenging us to redefine what design means today in a way that is even more innovative and adaptable. Doris Wells-Papanek presents a series of collaborations to address healthcare challenges that we face that work toward including more diverse perspectives. Jeff Wolfe describes his life with dyslexia and opens a conversation about the struggles and strengths of neurodiverse people. We also learn about new tools that leverage the power of design and hear from educators who are examining design curricula in universities to see how best to train designers of the future.
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Issue Information
President's Letter
Carole Bilson, President, DMI
Shaping Cultural Evolution: The Role of Craft Excellence, Design Intelligence, and Acceleration
Alison Rand
Co-Designing Strategic Rituals in Craft Beer: Churches, Denominations, Sects, and Mystics
Ian D. Parkman, Samuel Holloway, David Turnbloom
Insights into Healthcare Design Essentials from Diverse Perspectives
Doris Wells-Papanek
Designing for Regulated Industries: Innovating within Industry Boundaries
Gregor Mittersinker
A Design & Innovation-Driven Growth Model For Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprises
Dr. Anand James
Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Change-Averse: A People-Shaped Approach
Matt Marsh
Designence® 2.0: Strategic Design for a Responsible Future in Action
Brigitte Borja de Mozota, Hervé Collignon, Steinar Valade-Amland
Using the Design Culture Framework to Identify Value
Rodrigo Martínez Rodríguez, Paula Fernández Gago
Sustainable Development Competencies in Design Education
Elad Persov
Unveiling Transformation: Engaging Objects for Eco-Social Justice in Design Education
Lezhi Crystal Zhang
Enabling Neurodiversity with Design
Jeff Wolfe
Culture, Love, and Graphic Design
Daniel Green
Transformation by Human-Centered System Design
Sheng-Hung Lee
Repairing a Relationship: The Fall of Design Thinking and What We Can Learn from It
Gregor Mittersinker
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