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Madrid Conference

At DMI, I met architects, graphic designers, industrial designers, entrepreneurs, MBA grads, ethnographers, journalists, consultants, workshop experts, business managers, inventors and investors. Design has transcended from being a "discipline” to being a "work philosophy” that can permeate any human task - Jaime Martin, Lantern


dmi: Design Management Conference

"Designing The Next Economy"

Madrid, April 23-25, 2013

The Madrid conference brought together innovators in transportation, fashion, communication, government and design education to discuss how to create for the Next Economy. Discussions included success & learning from failure, open source design, Jugaad Innovation, and funding innovation: the future of venture funding and investment structures.

Conference Co-chairs

Xènia Viladas, XVDMC 
Jaime Moreno, CEO, Mormedi

Conference Speakers

Simone Ahuja, Author, "Jugaad Innovation"
Jugaad Innovation: A Low Cost, Flexible and Inclusive Approach to Innovation for the 21st Century

Javier Goyenche, CEO Ecoalf
Natural Resources are Not Endless

Bas van Abel, Founder & CEO, Fairphone; Co-author, "Open Design Now"
The World in Your Pocket: Overcoming Alienation with Social Innovation

Andy Goodman, Managing Director, Fjord Madrid
Overcoming The Crisis Economy Through Service Design

Dee Cooper, Former Product & Service Director, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Ltd. & Carole Favart, Kansei Design General Manager, Toyota & Caroline Rudzinski, Consultant & Researcher Volkswagen AG  

Planes,Trains & Automobiles: What's Next in The Future of Transportation

Sue Siddall, Partner, IDEO London

Designing for Meaning: Moving Beyond Profit to Meaning, Motivation and Social Metrics

Simon Devonshire, Director, Wayra Global

Ideas Worth Investing In: Next Generation Venture Thinking

Pamela Mead, Director User Experience, Telefónica & Pierre-Yves Panis, Design & User Experience VP, Orange

Communication in the Next Economy: the Changing Global Communication Experience

Juan Diego, Secretary General ,Bilbao-Bizkaia Design & Creativity Council

Using Design to Put a City on the Global Map: the Story of Bilbao

Humberto Matas, Managing Partner, Designit

Moving from Product Models to Business Models

Gulay Ozkan, Founder, GEDS Business & Chris Hosmer, Managing Director, Continuum Shanghai

Innovating for Value: The Next Value Equation/Approach from Real Entrepreneurs/Innovators in the Emerging World

Maria Jose Jorda, BBVA Innovation Center

Financial Service Innovation: Making Room for Creativity

Abby Margolis, Research Director, Claro Partners & Aldo De Jong, Co-Founder, Claro Partners

Service Design in The Next Economy Designing Services and Networked Business Models for the Access Economy

Alison Rieple, Professor of Strategic Management, Westminster Business School; Ralf Beuker, Professor, Dean Faculty of Design, University of Applied Sciences, Münster; Magda Kochanowska, Assistant Professor, Theory and History of Design Department, Faculty of Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw & Paolo Quattrone, Professor of Accounting & Management Controls, IE (Instituto de Empressa)

The Future of Global Design Education

Paco Gramaje

Looking Forward to the Future

Conference Sponsorship

Conference Partners

ie Business School

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